Mobile Application

Build custom Mobile Application with your business logic to solve problem and transform your business to be outstanding in digital era.

How mobile Application help your business

Why you need App

Everyone knows technology can help drive your business since everyone has a smartphone and every work flow has changed.

Mobile applications are the key to success, but not all applications are built for your business, especially complicated business logic.

However, you can build your application with your business logic to get better performance, more ROI, or even create new business services.

This is just some example of how applications can help your business.


Point of Sale (POS) App

You can expand your shop branch more quickly and lower costs by replacing traditional PoS hardware with a PoS mobile application.


Customer Relationship Management (CRM) App

This CRM App can be used to analyze your customers and deal with them in real-time. It includes functions like AI integrated app as customer supporter and automation workflow to send coupons to boost sales orders. All of these features are available on modern CRM mobile applications.


Project Management (PM) App

You can use a project management application to plan a team with tasks in real-time, then use data to analyse team performance and control project timelines, even prevent critical problems in the project.


Human Resource Management (HRM) App

Plan your workforce team and decrease workload for the HR department by using human resource applications such as leave appointment and absent report. You can also use data to calculate correction payroll.

Some of our projects

Customer Stories

Projects case study from our customers
How we help them design application for their business work flow


On-demand Transport

We helped TARA to build an on-demand transportation service for their customers. They use a mobile application to manage their fleet when customers require pickup truck service. This application also helps them create a new business model as a sharing economy that generates an alternative revenue stream from their main business.



Effective Production

We build PM & HRM applications with HAPP to solve their work flow problems. They design project management applications to help production department teams control project timelines as well as show problems of progress such as materials delay or product defect. For human resource management, they design applications as leave appointments to help manpower planning teams and reduce HR workload.


Practical Social Response

We built a Cash Book Calendar for BAAC Bank, which they use as a CSR and cash book application for their customers to practice account and budget planning.